Saturday, November 3, 2012


Student Matinee Program: Coriolanus and 
The Winter's Tale
Experience the excitement of live performance through the SHAKESPEARIENCE Student Matinee Program. SHAKESPEARIENCE includes subsidized reduced-price tickets, preparatory materials and in-school workshops.
Seats are filling quickly for our remaining Shakespeare productions!
A mighty hero, Caius Martius, earns the new name of “Coriolanus” for his triumphs. However his inflexible self-belief and contempt for popular rule cause him to be condemned as a traitor and sent into exile. Desiring revenge against the Romans who banished him, he befriends his blood enemy, Aufidius, to launch an assault on his beloved city. Rome, in its terror, pleads with Coriolanus to end his crusade for vengeance. Directed by David Muse, former STC Associate Director, Coriolanus blurs the lines between hero and traitor in this politically driven tragedy.
SHAKESPEARIENCE Student Matinee Dates:
Thursday, April 25 at 10 a.m.

Thursday, May 9 at 10 a.m.
Wednesday, May 15 at 12 p.m.  SIGN INTERPRETED PERFORMANCE
The Winter’s Tale
A celebration in the art of storytelling, the Shakespeare Theatre Company presents The Winter’s Tale, one of Shakespeare’s late romances. Traveling through time, visiting the austere court at Sicilia and the bright sea shore of Bohemia, two generations transcend torment and obsession. The Winter’s Tale is a compassionate and dazzling saga that tells the tale of King Leontes, who is overcome with jealousy when he believes his pregnant wife Hermione and his good friend King Polixenes are lovers. STC revisits this classic piece with imagination and wit.
SHAKESPEARIENCE Student Matinee Dates:
Thursday, May 23 at 10 a.m.

Wednesday, May 29 at 10 a.m.

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