Thursday, September 20, 2012

SAT Prep Wordsmart classes

This is a reminder that the Fall Wordsmart classes are to begin this Tuesday September 25 from 7:00- 8:15 at Belcroft Bible Church in Bowie. 
Classes are from 9/25 – 11/ 20.
There are still some slots remaining. 

For some of you, your student is taking the class for the first time.
 While others this will be their 2nd or 3rd time.  
This book is meant to be reviewed several times, until every word is memorized. 
I hope you will join me this session as we expand our vocabulary and prepare for the SAT's! :)

If you want to register, please fill out the attached registration form and email to me ASAP. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. 

Looking forward to hearing from you. 


Becky Kang

           SAT Prep Class / Building an Educated Vocabulary

 Increase your vocabulary as we work through Word Smart, 5th Edition and better equip yourself for the SAT’s. This text contains over 1500 words with 210 roots and has several sample SAT test questions.

What:     9 classes  / 12 hours of teaching 

When:     September 25th – November 20th

 Time:   Tuesday     7:00 - 8:15 pm.      

Cost:     $85.00 per family
                  Class for grades 5th – 11th grade

Supplies: Word Smart, 5th Edition
                        (Each student must purchase a hard copy for class)

Where:    Belcroft Bible Church
                       13000 Beachtree Lane   Bowie, MD. 20715

Instructor:  Mrs. Rebecca Kang            (if interested please contact directly)
                        1157 Jeffrey Drive Crofton, Md. 21114
                  (home) #  410-451-1236    ( cell) # 443-336-7396

                           (Send registration form along with a check to instructor.)
*Although Word Smart is not a Christian curriculum, class will be taught from a Christian worldview.

                                                               Registration Form

Student Name_____________________________________Parent’s name_________________

   Home address__________________________________________________________________

Email _______________________________________________________________________

Home Telephone_________________________________Cell phone_____________________

Age___________     Current Grade___________ Payment Enclosed_____________________

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