Monday, October 15, 2012


The Newseum has great resources for the election.
About the Newseum Digital Classroom

The Newseum Digital Classroom is a national news literacy website that provides high-quality digital media content in a curriculum-based structure for elementary, high school and college classes. The easily accessible materials, offered in conjunction with the Newseum's Education Department, meet the standards of learning requirements of many states and give students a deeper understanding of the five freedoms of the First Amendment.

Through this website, the Newseum hopes to promote critical thinking and civic responsibility and verify the timeless belief that an informed citizenry is the bulwark of democracy.

Every four years in November, eligible Americans have the opportunity to cast a ballot* for president. The election marks the conclusion of intense political campaigns — but not the end of equally intense media coverage.

The election cycle begins almost as soon as a president takes the oath of office. If it's a president's first term  the news media might question how new policies or initiatives will affect his or her hopes for a second term. If it's a president's second term, the news media may turn their attention to possible successors and reactions to the current president's policies. Some stories merit the media's coverage. Others are blown out of proportion. Every story has the potential to shape the election's outcome.

*You can find the definitions of boldfaced words in the Decision 2012 Glossary.
Newseum Digital Classroom is made possible by the Ford Foundation and Newseum Productions.
All materials © 2011 Newseum. Learn more about the Newseum at

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