Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Nature Gift Ideas

Science and Nature Gifts for the Kids On Your List

I've been asked to put together some information regarding science and nature gifts for students. Listed below are some staff favorite nature books, great places t buy educational science gifts, and the types of microscopes we use and where to buy them. Happy Holidays!
Staff Favorites for Children's Books:
·        The “Are you a…” Series are great, such as Are You a Ladybug? or Are You an Ant?
·        Diary of a Worm, Doreen Cronin.
 8-12 yrs.
·        Any of the Janell Canon, such as Stella Luna, Verdi, Pinduli.
·        There’s a Hair in My Dirt, Gary Larson
·        Any of the DK Eyewitness books, personal favorites include sharks, Egypt, butterflies and moths, gems and minerals, and birds.
·        Shaman’s Apprentice: A Tale of the Amazon Rain Forest,  Lynne Cherry.
·        Turtles in my Sand Box, Curtis and Shongut (about diamond back terrapins).
·        B is for Blue Crab, Menendez and Stutzman.
·        Bug Butts, Cusick.
·        Awesome Ospreys, Donna Love.
·        Sea Soup: Phytoplankton, or Sea Soup: Zooplankton, Cerullo.
·        The Way Things Work, DavidMacaualy.
·        Explorabook, Klutz Press.
·        Cross Sections of Man-of-War, Stephen Biesty.

13+ yrs.
·        Swamp Walker’s Journal, Carroll.
·        My side of the Mountain,Jean Craighead George (anything by her is great!!!).
·        How we Know What We Know about Our Changing Climate: Scientists and Kids Explore Global Warming, Lynne  Cherry, Gary Braasch, and David Sobel.
·        Monkeywrench Gang, Edward Abby.
·        The Evolution of Calpernia Tate, Jacqueline Kelly.

We’ve been asked about a good microscope for students. We use dissecting scopes from Home Science Tools.
·        This is the dissecting scope we use in the classroom: ($200, on sale now for $189)
·        This is a nice digital microscope addition that can hook your microscope up to the computer screen, through the ocular,  and take photos: ($60)
·        This is a fairly good compound microscope: ($180).
·        For compound microscope, Microscope Slide-Making Kit: ($14.95)

·        Birdsong Identiflyer (learn bird songs): ($29.95)
·        Cards for birds songs in the Identiflyer: ($5-10)
·        Animal Track Molds:  ($10+)
·        Green (Global rivers Environmental Education Network) Introductory Water Quality Monitoring Kit: ($34.95)
·        Port-a-Bug Observation Container: ($8.95)
·        Clear Lucite magnifying “bug” box. ($0.85)
·        Any of their puppets: ($7-$45)

·        Giant Inflatable Insects: (Set of 5, $39.99).
·        See-Through Compost Container: ($32.99)
·        Owl Pellet Activity Kit: ($19.95)
·        Break open your own geodes: ($5-$40.00)

At this site you’ll find some great ideas, the whole site is fun. You can find anything from gelatin heart and brain molds to anti-gravity globes and beaker mugs.

Carolina Biological Supply Company:
Carolina is where we get all of our supplies for lab classes. They have great kits for raising butterflies, insects, etc.

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